I entered several images into the 2020 Center for Photographic Art Members' Juried Exhibition. This year’s jurors, Ann Jastrab and Laura Sackett, reviewed over 1,300 images that were submitted from around the world and only 45 were selected to be displayed in the Gallery and another 45 in the Online Gallery. I am proud to announce that my image, “Patterns in the Sand” was selected for the Online Gallery. To have one of my images selected by these jurors from over 1,300 submissions from around the world, is a great honor.
The Center for Photographic Art will set up an online gallery of the 45 in-gallery images and the additional 45 online gallery images (which will include mine). You will be able to see all the images once the exhibit opens Saturday, April 18, 2020. I will add the link taking you to the online gallery here when it’s available, so check back at this page after April 18th. You are invited to attend the opening reception of the exhibit at the Center for Photographic Art gallery, Sunset Center, Carmel, CA. from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.
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